CS373 Fall 2020: Jordan Wang

Jordan Wang
2 min readNov 15, 2020

What did you do this past week?

This past week I went to class, worked on assignments, and played sports with some friends. Our group was able to meet up and discuss our plans for the next phase. The majority of the week was spent on working on a project for another class. Luckily, I had some free time to go outside and get some exercise.

What’s in your way?

Not much is in my way this week. I have to get a start on the next phase for this project and work with my group. I will continue attending classes and try to take notes and pay attention during class.

What will you do next week?

Next week, I will try meeting up with my group, so we can continue working on our project. I will work on refining our database and our final presentation. I also have some work for other classes I need to start on. Hopefully, I can find some time to relax and enjoy playing sports with some friends.

If you read it, what did you think of The New Methodology?

I did read it. I thought it was really interesting to learn about the agile methods and its improvements. I didn’t know a lot of information about it going in to reading it, but after, I learned a lot. Really great article.

What was your experience of SQL?

I think Professor Downing did a great job of explaining SQL to us. I feel like I have a pretty good understanding of the concept. Also, the exercises during class were beneficial in getting a deeper understanding of SQL. I have been using SQL a lot for our project, so it is very nice to learn about it in class.

What made you happy this week?

Something that made me happy this week was going out to the sport fields and playing basketball and spikeball with some of my friends. I feel like this is always such a nice way to relax during your free time and a relieving way to destress from the piles of homework we have.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip of the week is to step outside for a couple minutes and go on some walks. I have been doing this recently, and I feel like it has been really helpful and stress-relieving especially during this time of midterms and recruiting. Also, the weather is becoming pretty nice now, as the Texas hot summer is almost over. Going on these walks have been very therapeutic and a good break from school work.

